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【JOYMOM'S】Healthy Brown Cookies_270grams

Regular price
RM 31.80
Regular price
RM 0.00
Sale price
RM 31.80

A Nutritious cookies using brown rice. You can't believe how good these healthy brown rice cookies are! These cookies are made with healthy, wholesome ingredients and while they’re high in fat and calories, they also have a decent amount of fiber and protein, so they’re perfectly acceptable as your festival cookies.

Halal | MeSTI certified Product 🇲🇾 

忙碌的一天,当然要从健康养生的早餐开始。娇妈妈养生糙米饼不仅可以给你提供足够的营养成分,而且 低糖 ,低卡路里,让你每一天都元气满满,精力充沛!