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【JOYMOM'S】Original Egg Roll_280grams

Regular price
RM 32.80
Regular price
RM 0.00
Sale price
RM 32.80

Kuih Kapit also known as Love Letters Biscuit is a popular snack made during festive season.The thin waffle is made with mainly rice flour that give it a very fragile and crisp texture. The combination of fragrance and flavor of coconut milk, egg and caramelized sugar are exceptional, and sure to please.

蛋卷,由两面刻着花鸟图案的铜板制造而成,分别代表着峇 和娘惹,当模把面糊夹住时,制成的薄饼就像烙上美丽指纹般的圆形情书,所以既有了情书这昵称; 也随既象征把全家亲情“夹”在一起,过团圆。